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Treatise on Law




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STEP - St. Thomas Education Project


July 12-16, 2005

Poster Brochure front Brochure back


in the Great Hall of the

Pázmány Péter Catholic University

Faculty of Law

H–1088 Budapest, Szentkirályi utca 28, 1st floor





Thomistic Understanding of Natural Law

as the Foundation of Positive Law




Hotel Astoria

Kossuth Lajos u. 19-21

H-1053 - Budapest

e-mail: astoria@ohb.hu





This conference is dedicated to Thomas Aquinas’ Treatise on Law considered as one of the founding core elements of Europe’s cultural patrimony, arguing for its special timeliness in the recent European debate on the foundation of the political community in general.  Additionally, the conference will address the philosophical understandings and ways in which positive law is grounded by natural law according to the Thomistic tradition.  Special attention will be given to the local – Hungarian – tradition of the philosophical framework of St. Thomas Aquinas’ thought, particularly to the reevaluation of the work done by Alexander Horváth (1884–1956), the interwar Dominican professor in Rome, Fribourg, and Budapest.




Invited Speakers:


Fulvio Di Blasi, Thomas International

Samuel Gregg, Acton Institute

Géza Kuminetz, Pázmány University

Kevin Lee, Ave Maria School of Law

Nora O’Callaghan, Ave Maria School of Law

Zoltán Rokay, Pázmány University

Lee Strang, Ave Maria School of Law

Max Torres, Ave Maria School of Law

Christopher Wolfe, Marquette University




Call For Papers


Everybody is invited to submit papers on the conference’s topic or, more generally, on topics related to STEP.

We have openings for both 45-minute papers and 10/15-minute papers.

150-word abstracts can be sent by May 26 to the conference’s Scientific Coordinator (see below):

The author of the best paper submitted for this conference will be awarded with free plane ticket and lodging.




Registration Fee: 30 euros




Further information:


Pázmány Péter Catholic University – Faculty of Law and Political Sciences

1088. Budapest, Szentkiralyi u. 28-30.
Tel. + 36 1 429-72-00

telefax + 36 1 429-72-01



Collegio Universitario ARCES – Centro Ricerche Tommaso d’Aquino

Via Lombardia, 6 – 90144 Palermo

tel. + 39 091 346629

fax. + 39 091 346377




Csaba Varga (Scientific Coordinator) varga@jak.ppke.hu

Fulvio Di Blasi (Scientific Coordinator) – fdiblasi@thomasinternational.org

Ana Isabel Izaguirre (Conference Secretariat) – aizaguirre@thomasinternational.org